Election Calculator

Step 1: Import Data

To calculate the results of an election, there must be a list of candidates and a list of votes. Both lists should be entered into the box below, with a separator of "~~~" between the sections. An example election between pets is automatically loaded.

In the candidate section, each candidate is listed on a new line. In the vote section, each vote contains a preference for each candidate in the order the candidates are listed in the candidate section. "1" indicates the first preference, "2" indicates the second preference, and so on. Each preference is separated by commas, and each vote is on a new line. For example, a vote of "2,3,1" would give first preference to the candidate listed third, second preference to the candidate listed first, and third preference to the candidate listed second. Make sure that each vote has a preference for each candidate.

Edit the candidates and votes as necessary for your election, and press the "Import Data" button to confirm the data before selecting an electoral system. The data in the box can be changed at any time, but you'll need to confirm your changes.

Step 2: Select Electoral System

Step 3: Calculate Results